{"id":9162,"date":"2021-06-22T21:40:17","date_gmt":"2021-06-22T21:40:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/alternatech.net\/?p=9162"},"modified":"2021-06-22T21:40:17","modified_gmt":"2021-06-22T21:40:17","slug":"how-to-get-motivated-to-clean-your-home","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thefinejournal.com\/how-to-get-motivated-to-clean-your-home\/","title":{"rendered":"How To Get Motivated To Clean Your Home"},"content":{"rendered":"

How do you get motivated to clean? These cleaning inspiration tricks will help you get motivated to clean when you\u2019re overwhelmed by the mess.\n

Note: Just because you have no motivation to clean or do anything does NOT mean that you\u2019re lazy or a slob. You may be depressed (in which case, please seek help HERE), feeling overwhelmed, or just in need of a few helpful tricks.\n

1. Set a timer\n


Even when overwhelmed by the mess, you can do anything for 15 minutes.\n

If you want some quick motivation, set the timer on your phone or stove and see how much you can accomplish in that time.\n

We tend to over-exaggerate how long tasks we don\u2019t want to do will take.\n

The Pomodoro technique suggests setting a timer for 25 minutes, then taking a 5 minute break. Be sure to set another timer for that 5 minutes too, if you plan to get back to cleaning.\n

If you\u2019re like me, you might get distracted and forget!\n

25 minutes might be more than enough time to make a sizable dent in your cleaning duties. I\u2019d think you could clean the kitchen, bathroom, and put away some laundry in that time.\n

If you want to get people you live with to help, split the duties and have a little race to see who can get the most done. Some friendly competition never hurts!\n

If you have kids, try calling it a \u2018pick up party\u2019 and give them age-appropriate tasks to do. Many hands make light work.\n

If four people each clean for 10 minutes, that\u2019s 40 minutes of cleaning accomplished in a quarter of the time.\n

2. Start small\n

If you keep finding random other things to do instead of cleaning, realize that you\u2019re just procrastinating!\n

Unfortunately, avoiding chores doesn\u2019t make them go away. And having undone tasks hanging over your head is a crappy feeling.\n

So what\u2019s the solution? Start small.\n

Just commit to doing one thing. Empty and reload the dishwasher. Or put away one basket of clean clothes.\n

Once you get to tidying, you\u2019ll probably find a couple of other things you can do quickly. Even if there are only 10 minutes before you have another commitment, squeeze in a small task or two.\n

If you do that several times a day, your house will start staying clean. That sure beats spending 3 hours every Saturday tidying up!\n

3. Reward yourself\n


If cleaning feels like a punishment, promise yourself a reward at the end. Watch your favorite show, paint your nails, or go grab a coffee.\n

If you tell yourself you can\u2019t have that little thing you want until you\u2019ve cleaned, you may just feel inspired to take care of that annoying task faster.\n

4. Wath a youtube\n

This one\u2019s a bit unconventional\u2026 You may be wondering how that\u2019s going to get your house clean.\n

Well, there are actually a lot of videos that offer excellent cleaning motivation.\n

Something about watching a person take their house from messy to clean is actually quite motivating! When you just need the energy to clean your house, these inspiring videos really do help.\n

A few of my favorite YourTube channels for cleaning motivation are:\n